Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Little Forsey and a BYU basketball player/camp!

Approximately on Feb. 22, 2010 my family will be blessed with a new addition! Tiff is now 10 weeks pregnant! We were able to get a first glimpse of the little "thing" this past week at the doctors. We also got to hear the heart beat, which is much more exciting and relieving, especially after our last pregnancy ended in an unfortunate miscarriage. We will find out in September if we will be having a boy or a girl!

Also this past week I was able to help put on a basketball camp with Coach Cuff and Roberts of Dixie High. Along with 150 or so kids, ranging from 5 yrs old to seniors to be in high school, we were able to bring BYU basketball player Jackson Emery down to instruct and talk to the kids. It was a very busy week with the camp going Monday thru Thursday from 7:30am to 4:30pm, but it was worth every minute for the kids! Carson just soaked it all up and played his little heart out, as coach I got to watch and teach quite a bit, however, on one day we had a 3 on 3 tournament and were short one kid on a team so the coaches asked if I would play to help even out the teams. Wouldn't you know it my team ended up wining the tourney, it was fun to play with the kids, and take their best shot. Cause I know they all wanted to beat one of the coaches. All in all it was a great busy week, and Jackson was a lot of fun with the kids, and as coaches, we had a good time to getting to know him.

Monday, July 5, 2010

"I love this Land, God bless the U.S.A.!"

It's one of my favorite holidays-the food, the parades, the fireworks! What a fantastic country we live in; where we are not only free, but free to celebrate it with family and friends alike! It is difficult for me to not express these feelings without getting a little emotional. Call me a baby if you want, but each 4th of July I try to take some time and reflect on my thoughts and feelings for our great nation and those that have perished protecting it. This past week was the death of Arnold Friberg, the great artist who famously painted pictures, most notably, for The Book of Mormon. I am fortunate enough to own a large lithograph of one of his other famous paintings of George Washington praying at Valley Forge. As I thought about those things I remembered as a young Boy Scout visiting the historic battle sights on a trip back east to the National Boy Scout Jamboree. We went to Gettysburg, Valley Forge, and Arlington National Cemetery, among other historic sites. I remember, at Arlington, very vividly the rows and rows of graves marking those who had paid the ultimate price for my freedom. We visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and witnessed the changing of the guard-what an awe inspiring sight it was to see the marines in full uniform and synchronized precision with which they performed their maneuvers, it was simply beautiful and magnificent (copy and paste the following web address to see what it's like if you have never been).

The memory that fills my mind the most though, is, I remember walking off of the tour bus as a bunch of rambunctious and loud Boy Scouts and instantly being taken over with a feeling of ultimate reverence! As we proceeded we spontaneously spoke in a hushed respectful whisper. It was not planned or rehearsed, I think it was a simple and mature realization of where we were and the understanding of the significance of what Arlington National Cemetery represented! I hope to someday return there with my family and hopefully share a similar experience with them. I hope that whomever reads this will take a moment and reflect on what makes you grateful to be a citizen of this great country founded by our Heavenly Father! May He bless you and your family and continue to bless the U.S.A.! Go to this web address to see a video that illustrates kind of how I feel.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well, here goes! My wonderful wife has set this up for me and I'm gonna do my best to run with it and see where it takes me! I have taken the summer off from school and have really just been coaching bball, spending time with the fam, and looking for a job to help support the fam. We are currently living in my in-laws home, let me just say how much of a blessing it has been for us to stay here and that I will forever be in their debt for allowing my family to share their home here! However, as we say, all good things must come to an end! So with that said we are looking at our options of moving out and finding our own home. We're not sure yet if we will buy or rent, but are hopeful to stay in the same neighborhood and ward since we have made so many friends! That's the short update from my side of life, I also did just find a job at the St. George Rec Center which is only part time, but it's better than nothing! I have also made some changes to my blog, specifically the links added. I attempted to stream in some of my work directly to my blog but it kept showing other videos that weren't mine so I just added the link that will take you directly to my Youtube channel and you can see them there. I also gave some of my favorite links as well, Rottentomatoes is a great movie website that has all the latest reviews and happenings. is the International Movie Database and can answer any question to do with almost any film ever made, they also have links for local showtimes and reviews. Then I put for any news follower like myself and which is a coaching resources website that I really enjoy and has lots of bball info for coaches and players alike!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gotta Start Somewhere...

From the day I met him Ryan has always been a movie guy. He was the go to guy about upcoming movies and what movie got the best reviews. Beyond that he used to tell me that he wanted to work on real films or possibly be an actor in Hollywood. Doing that would have taken away from his family and maybe even his values.
Come to find out, he is really good at the behind the camera stuff. He has started with just family videos and we are all realizing that he is really, really good at it.
If you love something, go for it! I want to see him follow his dreams and I think he will be amazing at it. Ryan, I love you and hope that you can believe in yourself and realize that you can do anything!! Love you, Tiff